I see your
face in the sunshine
Your eyes
glitter through the haze
As the rain
begins to drizzle
As the rain
begins to dry
As you point
to the mountains
You see the
colors rise to the clouds
You say to
look but I don't see it
You say to
look but there's nothing there
As I climb
the mountain searching god
As feel the
wind blow across my face
I know I
can share it embrace it
Feel it with
you be with you
Rolling down
the hill facing the sky
traces of my life
Across the
interstate interstellar time
There is
only you there is only you
Look out the
window into the night
As the moon
bleeds its shadowed light
And all the
vampires kneel down to prey
I pray to
you I pray to you
And in the
dawn of our new age
Of shattered
emotions and uncontrollable rage
There is
nothing that means anything
I only want
you I only want you
All the beauty
in the world
All the beauty
I can see
All the beauty
that I feel
It's a reflection
of you it's a reflection of you